Thursday, 17 February 2011

Odd and sods.

Hallo ladies and gentlebeards.

Well, I've been messing about trying out battle damage on the Terminator and here are the results (a bit blurry sorry, need a proper camera)

Does the black outlines clash too much with the red? also I wasn't really sure how to do the  scratches on black. On the red I painted a Chaos Black splodge and put Boltgun Metal in the middle, for the Black I did a Baltgun Metal splodge with Mithril Silver in the middle, it's not very discernible though. As for the Powerfist, I just wanted to try out the flames, didn't work so great tbh.

Also I tried out the Army Painter dip on a Blood Angel Marine, I also found out Matt Varnish doesn't work very well in the dark, like the Citadal spray primers it leaves a bubbly finish if you use it in the dark, never the less here are the pics.

It's a sloppy paintjob, but it only took 5 min :p I think it would work really well if I took my time and did it properly.

On another note, My Flesh Tearer shoulder pads arrived, along with the Meltaguns, also the Chain Axes I ordered from Forgeworld turned up too, they will need a lot of cleaning up.  I magnetised the arms on my captain so I can change his loadout easier and I've undercoated, gonna make a start on painting him today I think.

That's all I can think of for now, adios.

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