Friday, 11 February 2011

Painting above my abilities.

Hi I'm procrastinating again :D

So I got my paints through the post, mail order ftw! :p

so first up I had a go at the "hot" jump pack, at this point I noticed I really should have filed them joins on the packs before I glued them together, ah well you live and learn.

hmm the flash obscures it somewhat, I'll try and find a spare lamp tomorrow and stick my full spectrum bulb in, should be able to get some better pics with that. Still I am reasonably satisfied with the effect. Gotta try these things if you want to get better right?


I got the spray gun working pretty well and squirted a terminator with it. It gave a much better coverage with the scab red than when I hand paint it, the smoothness of it was impressive.

However after a while the can got a bit cold and lost pressure. I thought maybe if the can was somewhere warmer it would last longer, but I just ended up with a cold arse. Ah well.

I messed up the right knee, I'm still not very good at painting skulls and such, my layer needs work.

This is Scab Red sprayed over Chaos black with minimal Red Gore highlights and a Badab Black wash. Chest skull and wing bits are done with Snakebite Leather followed with a drybush of Bleached Bone, I think I did it a bit heavy though. The skulls are washed with Gryphon Sepia and the wing bits are washed with Baal Red to tie it to the Torso a bit better.

So currently I am playing about with a bit of weathering on the Terminator, a black blob with a dab of Boltgun metal in the middle, looks passable, I'll post a pick tomorrow maybe.

I think tomorrow I will have a crack at using the Army Painter dip I got ages ago to see how that works, although I think Flesh Tearers may be too dark a scheme for that to really shine, so I may have to paint up a proper Blood Angel marine for that.

Oh and I ordered some Flesh Tearer shoulder pads to bump my Spraypaint to free delivery :p so they will go nicely on my Assault squad when that gets delivered (Wayland games are a bit slow on the dispatch )

Eek 2am, better go to bed :p

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