Saturday, 22 January 2011

Bit an Pieces

The spare parts I ordered arrived, although I am starting the wonder about the usefulness of having a power sword in with a bunch of normal attacks all on the same initiative, I am pretty sure I have a spare Bolt Pistol I can use instead.
 Also I completely forgot I ordered a Plasma Cannon as well, the postage was going to cost as much as the sword and base so I got the cannon to make it more worthwhile.
 I got them from Bit and Kits, a handy little site for odds and sods (I got my commanders bits from there) I got a pack of flying bases for the Landspeeders and 10 Jumps packs from the Games Workshop site, free postage for orders over £10 :)

I dug out an old Apothecary figure from the last time I played 40k, I was about 12 I think so the paint job is almost as bad as the rest of em, still, I can run him as a Sanguinary Priest which is a nice FNP bubble.

AI have the first batch of figures soaking away in disinfectant ready to strip, I think I'll start the scrubbing on Monday.

And now to finish with a question.
What paint scheme to go for with my commander. Do I stick with Red or try for the Gold scheme from the likes of Dante and Tycho?

Pineapple Out.


  1. If you go with gold, a fairly easy way you could try is mithril silver followed by a couple of washes of gryphonne sepia. Gold paint covers horribly, and always looks too bronzy for my tastes.

    Where abouts are you these days anyway? We should throw down (some dice)

  2. I saw the pics of the Sanguinary guard on the GW site that were painted like that, it looks quit good. I watched a video from BoW about painting gold that looked quiet easy and effective. Either way I think I will leave him till last get back into the swing of painting.

    I'm up in Yorkshire at the moment but there's always trains to places, we do need to have a game at some point :)
