Tuesday 18 January 2011

Here we go.

I had best get some pictures of this rabble up.

Bear in mind that I got everything pre-assembled and "painted" from Ebay.
The only work I have done is spray the Assault Squad red and then only 1 coat.
So with out further ado.

This is all the foot troops.
 30 Marines with Bolters (1 missing base)
4 Marines with Flamers (1 damaged)
4 Marines with Missile Launchers (1 Damaged)
2 Marines with Heavy Bolters.
10 Assault Marines (2 Damaged)
8 Terminators.
1 Terminator with Heavy Flamer.
1 Terminator with Cyclone Launcher.
1 Captain with Thunder Hammer and Jump Pack.
1 Big green mug full of nice and hot Tea, 2 sugars thanks.

Here is El Capitan up close. Custom build, got him from various Bitz sites, not so keen on his helmet after m last match, the bugger drew blood :(

Here with have the 3 Landspeeders all 3 are missing the flying bases and weapons. 

Last but not least, an old style Predator, counts as a fast vehicle for Blood Angles, Nice.

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