Thursday, 20 January 2011

For the glory of the Emperor!

The badly painted boys took on my cousins Tau Yesterday 1000 pts a side. I went into this fight confident in my 100% victory streak against him with all 3 of my armies. Anyways lets have a crack at the nitty gritty.

This is all from what I can remember.


1 Commander type in battlesuit - Missile Pods, Fusion Blaster, Cyclic Ion Cannon.
6 man Stealth suit team - 2 Fusion Blaster, 4 Burst Cannon
30 odd Kroot + Hounds with Shaper
6 Pathfinders - 3 Rail rifles, 3 Carbines
20 Firewarriors
20 Firewarriors
5 Vespids + Strain Leader
1 Hammerhead.

Blood Angels.

Captain - Thunder Hammer + Jump Pack
5 Terminators - Cyclone Missile Launcher
1 Sanguinary Priest
10 man Tactical Squad - Heavy Bolter, Flamer, Plasma Pistol.
10 man Assault Squad - Infernus Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Meltagun, Power Sword.
5 man Devastator Squad - 4 Missile Launchers.

Since we were both rusty we decided to go for Standard Deploy + Annihilation. Si won the roll off and elected to go first.

From left to right start with Tau (top) Pathfinder squad, Kroot squad, Hammerhead, Fire warriors, Fire Warriors.

Blood Angels, Combat squad (Flamer, Plasma Pistol), Priest, Combat squad (Heavy Bolter) Devastator squad.

Si held the Stealth Team and Battle suit in reserve, I held my Assault squad with the Captain attached in reserve.

Turn 1.

Nothing moved at all so he went straight to the shooting, that's what Tau do right? The Fire Warriors on the right opened up on the Devastator squad with a patter of 5 shots thanks to the building blocking LOS. One of them came close to hitting, kind of.
The 2nd Fire warrior squad opened up with their full complement of 20 guns in an attempt to cut down the Heavy Bolter team, quiet a few hit, several wounds were caused and a few saves were failed, Hello Mr Priest, thanks for the feel no pain, the squad emerged unscathed.
 The Hammerheads turret swung menacingly towards the Squad with Flamer and unleashed its sub-munitions and scored a direct hit on all 5 of them. Some nice rolling resulted in 5 wounds,All 5 saving throws were made without even breaking a sweat.
All in all an ineffective round for the Tau.

Blood Angels.

My turn.
The squad with Flamer legged it towards the building the Kroot were lurking behind and the Priest moved up to keep them and the Heavy bolter within his Blood Chalice bubble. With movement kept at a minimal the shooting began.
First up were the missile launchers, all 4 let rip across the board with frag missiles against the edge of the Kroot blob, when the smoke cleared 5 hounds were sprawled  out dead. The Heavy Bolter barked out felling 2 Fire warriors in the squad opposite them.
Thus ended Turn 1.

Stay Tuned for more later :)

1 comment:

  1. I've left it so long I completely forgot how this went down.

    Highlights that I remember.

    Tau Commander Deepstrikes in near my Priest to assassinate him and scatters back towards his own line leaving my Tac squad between him and the priest. The 5 man Tac squad beats him down to 1 wound and makes him flee from combat. His Stealth team deepstrikes in and wipes out my Devastators in 1 round of firing. My Tac squads wipe them in combat.

    Half my army (Commander + Assault Squad) Deepstrike and scatter the max distance onto his firewarriors and I roll a 1, they all Die.

    I lost the match by 2 kill points.
